'Attack on Titan: Roar of Awakening' and the First Episode of Season 3 Are Coming to Theaters
A recap movie alongside the world premiere of season three.

Funimation has announced the season two recap film Attack on Titan: Roar of Awakening, as well as the premiere episode of its third season, will debut in U.S. and Canadian theaters this summer. The film and season three premiere will be shown as a two-night event on July 10 and 11 in select theaters throughout the United States and Canada.
The episode will not debut in Japan for nearly two more weeks, on July 22. The world premiere of Attack on Titan‘s third season will immediately follow the recap movie, which so far has only been released in Japan. The July 10 show will be in Japanese with English subtitles while the July 11 show will feature the English dub.
Check out Funimation’s site for more details and look for advance ticket sales to begin on June 8.
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