Meek Mill Speaks From Jail for the First Time
He’s currently serving a two-to-four-year sentence.

For the first time since beginning his prison sentence, Meek Mill gives a rare interview from behind the bars. Last November, Meek Mill received a sentencing of two to four years in prison for a parole violation stemming from a 2008 arrest. In the interview, Meek revealed to Rolling Stone that he hasn’t let his family visit him since his incarceration.
“I won’t let [my family] come,” said Meek, who only lets his legal team and “a few friends” visit him in prison. “If they see me like this—fucked-up beard, hair all ganked—then it’s like I’m really in here. Which I’m not.”
The Philadelphia MC also touched on Judge Genece Brinkley, parole officer Treas Underwood, and his plan to move to Atlanta once he is released from jail. Meek’s case has brought to the spotlight the failings of the current justice system.
Meek’s mother, Kathy Williams, plead to Philadelphia’s district attorney to “step in” and help her son get released during a brief news conference on Tuesday, March 13, before the start of a criminal justice panel at the University of Pennsylvania. Williams also criticized Brinkley, who sentenced Mill for violating probation on a decade-old gun and drug case.
Read Rolling Stone‘s “#FreeMeekMill” piece now.