Loopwheeler Upgrades Medicom Toy BE@RBRICKS With Cozy Cotton
The softest figures yet.

Medicom Toy rejoins Japanese cotton mill Loopwheeler for more soft BE@RBRICKS. This time, the pair are offering a mismatched toy in 100%, 400% and 1000% sizes. The figure features a small collaborative patch and blue, grey and black paneling on the front, while the rear boasts striping and the cotton experts’ logo, along with a zipper like Loopwheeler’s famed sweatshirts.
Look for the release through Medicom Toy on April 28, with items hitting Loopwheeler’s Sengadaya outpost. Keep an eye on the Loopwheeler web store for a possible drop.
Recently, the toy company reintroduced its Discovery and Random Access Memories Daft Punk figures.