'NBA Jam' May Get a Reboot for Its 25th Anniversary
Announcer Tim Kitzrow is working with Mircosoft on the remake.

There are rumblings being reported that the arcade classic NBA Jam may see a revival for its 25th anniversary. According to ESPN, announcer and the voice of the title’s “he’s on fire” catchphrase, Tim Kitzrow, is involved in its development.
When questioned about the remake, he states, “I can’t speak anything to the specifics, but I can tell you there is movement in the works to get it done for the 25th year,” he told ESPN. “So I’m hoping that we get a remake that does justice to the original.” NBA Jam released in 1993 in arcades and took pop culture by storm. Eventually the title was adopted for the NES and Super NES, respectively, and even saw a couple of Classic editions a few years back. Kitzrow mentioned that the game is under development by Microsoft, despite the IP being owned by EA. The rebooted title should be slated for release later on this year.