Apple Confirms Meltdown and Spectre Faults Affect All Mac and iOS Devices
Upgrade your software if you want to be safe not sorry.

Following on from yesterday’s news that a processor flaw could exposes almost all electronic device created in the last 20 years, Apple has now followed other tech companies in releasing a statement about Meltdown and Spectre. The issues arise from chips made by Intel, AMD and ARM — of which Apple use Intel processors in its Mac computers while the iPhone, iPad, Apple TV and Apple Watch all use ARM’s chips.
Apple’s statement explains that “all Mac systems and iOS devices are affected, but there are no known exploits impacting customers at this time.” It also goes on to say that fixes for the issues were included in recent updates. These includes iOS 11.2 for phones, macOS 10.13.2 for computers, and tvOS 11.2 for Apple TV, all of which protect against the Meltdown flaw.
Spectre is the trickier flaw of the two, with The Guardian reporting that “Apple said it was developing protections against the Spectre flaw for its Safari browser for iOS and macOS, and would release them in the coming days to help stop potential exploitation via JavaScript running in the browser from a website.”
Earlier today, the tech giant reported that they’d posted record-breaking sales numbers on its App Store.