Twitter Will Double Tweet Length From 140 to 280 Characters
Even more space for Kevin Durant to trash his former teammates.

Twitter’s latest update is a big one, giving users double the amount of characters to work with. The current limit is 140 characters and the company is now testing out giving users 280 characters. The reason for this, according to CEO Jack Dorsey, was because the 140 limit was solely because tweets used to be sent as texts, which had a 160 character limit.
“When people don’t have to cram their thoughts into 140 characters and actually have some to spare, we see more people Tweeting,” the company said in a blog post about the change. This isn’t the first time Twitter has tried to lengthen the limit, once considering raising it to 10,000 characters. The company has since made other smaller tweaks, such as making sure images and usernames don’t add to the 140 limit, which they previously did. The 280 character rollout has started already, with select users and regions being able to use the new feature.
The last time Twitter was in the news was because of Kevin Durant, who sent out some reckless tweets under his own username.