Samuel L. Jackson Gives James Corden The "Shaft" in New "Drop the Mic" Rap Battle
Kangol hats and comic superheroes were brought up.
Samuel L. Jackson joins James Corden for the latest edition of “Drop the Mic” where the two came at each others’ careers and lifestyle in a tongue-in-cheek rap battle. Corden mentioned everything from Sam Jackson’s part as Nick Fury in the Marvel movies, his roles in Tarantino flicks, and his abuse of sporting Kangol hats for the past couple decades.
Jackson followed in kind, saying he’s only known for his notorious Adele Carpool Karaoke, adding that he’s both unknown and overexposed at the same time. However, Jackson took the victory after spinning Corden’s line about his Capital One commercials, making it rain to show him “what’s in his wallet.”
Watch the battle above and leave your thoughts below.