Uncover One of the World's Most Secretive Societies in 'Made in North Korea'
Pieced together by a veteran of North Korea’s touring industry.

Phaidon dives into the world of North Korean visual art for a vibrant new book. Authored by landscape architecture expert Nick Bonner, Made in North Korea documents a secretive side of a country’s culture that very few ever see or experience.
“Made in North Korea uncovers the fascinating and surprisingly beautiful graphic culture of North Korea – from packaging to hotel brochures, luggage tags to tickets for the world-famous mass games,” reads Phaidon’s official description. Having led countless tours in North Korea for two decades, Bonner has pieced together an astounding collection of rare items that provide insight into North Korean’s collective sense of culture.
You can check out some shots of Phaidon and Nick Bonner’s Made in North Korea above — purchase the book for $39.95 USD here.