Kyrie Irving Unfollows LeBron James on Instagram, Cavs Fans Freak Out
The beef is heating up.

Looks like the drama between Kyrie Irving and LeBron James is heating up. Just last week rumors of Irving wanting to be traded from the Cleveland Cavaliers hit the web, with the main reason being Irving’s desire for a larger role and to leave the shadow casted by King James. With James already being “displeased and disappointed” in Irving’s request and wanting to “beat his a**” — according to Stephen A. Smith — it looks like Irving has taken the drama to a whole new level.
As pointed out by House of Highlights, it appears as though Irving has unfollowed James on Instagram. So whatever happened between these two teammates, Irving most definitely isn’t over it. On the other hand, it looks like Irving’s exit may have already been set in stone as the Cavs have signed Derrick Rose of the Chicago Bulls to a one-year contract. Check out the unfollowing and fan reactions below.
Kyrie Irving has officially unfollowed LeBron James on Instagram……this just got real!
— Troydan (@TroydanGaming) July 25, 2017
Kyrie Irving has unfollowed LeBron James on Instagram today. The pettiness and immaturity from this entire situation is embarrassing! SAD!
— Vern Thompson (@VernThompson) July 25, 2017
So, Kyrie doesn't follow LeBron on Instagram anymore. In 2017, that's how you no it's officially OVER.
— Ray Boyd (@RayBoydDigital) July 25, 2017
Damn Kyrie unfollowed Bron on instagram now??? No going back now he gone
— NBA Bulletin (@TheNBABulletin) July 25, 2017
— OSN (@OprahSideNigga) July 25, 2017