The Top 10 Cities in the World Have Been Ranked for 2018
Based on people, prosperity, and other factors.

Global consulting firm Resonance Consultancy has announced its annual list of the 10 Best Cities for 2018.
The ranking is based on six key factors spanning place, product, programming, people, prosperity and promotion. For instance, the “people” category reflected a particular city’s immigration rate and diversity. Moreover, the number of “stories” or “mentions” a city accumulates on online sites such as Google, Facebook or TripAdvisor affect its individual ranking. Altogether, the firm claims that these categories determine a city’s “place equity.”
Collectively, London nabbed the first place on the list because it “finished Top 10 in all six of our categories,” said the firm. Check out the ranking below and then check out the full report here.
Top 10 Cities Ranked
1. London, England
2. New York City, USA
3. Paris, France
4. Moscow, Russia
5. Tokyo, Japan
6. Singapore
7. Dubai, UAE
8. Barcelona, Spain
9. San Francisco, USA
10. Chicago, USA