Medicom Toy & Karimoku Expand Their Collaborative BE@RBRICK Line
Releasing an impeccably-crafted 1000% BE@RBRICK.

Renowned furniture manufacturer Karimoku has made a business out of applying an artisan’s approach to the daily home goods we tend to take for granted; everything from the actual, technical construction process to the design is treated like an artform. Medicom Toy has a similar ethos and represents the same standards of quality with its toys and figurines. Together, the two brands have combined to produce one of the most unique BE@RBRICK figures yet.
Fittingly-known as the Antique Furniture model, Medicom Toy and Karimoku’s joint effort is handmade by some of the latter’s most talented artists. The wood grain in particular is special, and even a cursory look reveals many different, unique aspects. Created with the utmost attention to detail and longevity, only a few of these models can be produced each month and shipping can take more than four months.
You can take a look at the Medicom Toy 1000% Antique Furniture Model BE@RBRICK above, and head on over to the official Medicom Toy website for more; Medicom brick and mortar retailers and online shops are currently accepting orders. Previously, Medicom Toy and Billionaire Boys Club created a “STARFIELD” BE@RBRICK.