Beyoncé and Topshop's Ivy Park Defends Itself Against Unethical Manufacturing Accusations
Will they bounce back, like Nike did?

Transparency has been a key player in the success of major brands. After being exposed for poor working conditions abroad, it took Nike years of amending its practices to rebuild it’s reputation. Now, similar claims are being made against Ivy Park, the recent sportswear collaboration between Beyoncé and Topshop. The brand has recently been criticized for using “sweatshop slaves” at MAS, it’s manufacturing facilities in Sri Lanka.
In defense, Ivy Park has released a statement claiming “Ivy Park has a rigorous ethical trading program…We expect our suppliers to meet our code of conduct and we support them in achieving these requirements.” Though it has been reported that the brand is indeed paying it’s employees well above the minimum wage set in Sri Lanka, the argument amongst activists is claiming this still only meets a fifth of living costs there. When the monthly wage in Sri Lanka is set to a minimum $71 USD, it makes it difficult to think an Ivy Park body suit currently retails for $65 USD. For more details, check out the full report over on Business of Fashion.