Screening Room Wants to Bring Movies to Your TV on Opening Day
Thanks to Napster co-founder and ex-Facebook President Sean Parker.

Screening Room is a new endeavor by Sean Parker — the same man who co-founded Napster and was previously Facebook’s president. The project is supposedly a top box service that aims to bring new movies onto your screens at home on opening day. The device itself is rumored to cost $150 USD, while each movie you watch will be $50 USD. This price will include $20 USD going back to theaters, partially covering two real tickets. While the project is still in its early stages, big industry names such as Steven Spielberg, J.J. Abrams, Peter Jackson, Martin Scorsese, and Ron Howard have expressed interest and backing. It’s also piqued the interests of studios like Universal, Fox and Sony. Let us know in the comments what you think.