'100 Years of Tattoos' Celebrates a Century of Body Art
Explore the history of the tattoo with a new, encyclopedic book by David McComb.

A new book by author David McComb sets out to chart the last century of the historic art form of tattooing. The 288-page publication, which consists of 300 archival illustrations and photos alongside McComb’s in-depth annotations and commentary, illustrates the history and popularity of tattoos on a global scale. “Tom Broadbent, the picture editor on the book, used many ingenious approaches to find the best images—from contacting tattooists directly to establishing links with archivists who’ve been collecting tattoo flash, photos and stories for decades” explained the writer to CoolHunting, “Although the development of body art in the West is pretty well-documented, finding images to illustrate the story I wanted to tell was a huge challenge.” The visually captivating tome is available for pre-order from Amazon now.