Hiroshi Fujiwara Speaks About His Latest Collaboration with The Butcher's Daughter
HF talks design, his favorite foods, and Japanese healthy living.

Having unveiled his latest collaboration with NYC juice bar The Butcher’s Daughter, we were given an exclusive interview opportunity with none other than Hiroshi Fujiwara himself. The “godfather of Harajuku” spoke briefly with us concerning the partnership brought together by independent creative director Micah Spear, why he decided to work with the restaurant and his overall thoughts on the health-craze that’s going on right now. Most interesting however is his approach to staying healthy, as it appears he’s been pretty care-free but regretfully so. Read the interview below and be sure to hit up The Butcher’s Daughter to purchase the collaborative collection available now.
What made you decide to work with The Butcher’s Daughter?
When I walked around there, I just saw the great packaging designs of juice, and that was The Butcher’s Daughter. And their juice was so good.
How did you and The Butcher’s Daughter decide upon the flavors for the two juice packs Cacao and Stress Citrus?
[Those flavors] are my favorite. Oranges, and chocolate. And nice colors for the graphics.
What are the staples of being healthy for you? Are there any health secrets you’re willing to share?
I have not really cared about it. But I should…
It’s been said that the Japanese have one of the highest life expectancies in the world, with a woman’s average of around 87. What’s your opinion on this and why do you think that is?
I think it is something to do with Japanese food, I always think food in Japan is the healthiest in the world. Not only Japanese but even French, Italian, Chinese… all kinds of food. Seems healthier than anywhere else. Maybe the oil? Or less butter?
Any inside info on your next lifestyle venture?
Don’t have any plan just yet. But now, I’m getting ready for a snowboarding trip.