Errolson Hugh of Acronym Defines "Creating Timeless Performance" with the 2015 Porsche 911 Carrera GTS
Errolson Hugh’s conception of Acronym brought to the very forefront the relationship of form and
Errolson Hugh’s conception of Acronym brought to the very forefront the relationship of form and functionality in fashion. Hugh’s unwavering vision has become one of the strongest intangible traits for a range of jackets and apparel that has created significant inspiration and progression within the realm of fashion. While Hugh’s main platform encompasses that of fashion, his philosophy is not without its own similarities amongst that of automotive heavyweight Porsche — and namely its latest 2015 911 Carrera GTS. In a video that defines “Creating Timeless Performance,” Hugh takes us through the remarkable similarities that exist between both an Acronym jacket and a 2015 Porsche 911 Carrera GTS. Inherently rooted in performance, both pieces have all the makings of a future-proof piece engineering that permeates both function and aesthetics. A vivid statement on behalf of Hugh offers an acute understanding of what has made Acronym and subsequently Porsche’s 911 Carrera GTS two of the most important examples in their respective fields.
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