Rick Ross Speaks on the Possibility of Ending Drake Beef
Rozay also discusses how he coined the BBL Drizzy phrase.
Rick Ross recently stopped by the latest episode of Caresha Please and spoke with Yung Miami on his widely publicized feud with Drake.
At around the 22:15 minute mark of the video above, Caresha aka Yung Miami, asked Rozay how exactly the beef began with Drizzy in the first place. Ross pointed out his mention in Drake’s “Push Ups” track, “He mentioned my name and that’s a no-no. Don’t do that. Especially when it ain’t about no real shit. But when you do that, OK then, that’s how we gon’ play, that’s cool. I enjoy that.” Yung Miami later touched on whether or not Rick really thought Drake got BBL to which he responded, “Yeah.” When she asked him why he just said, “It is what it is.” He then touched on how he coined BBL Drizzy which Metro Boomin’ had named his diss track to the 6God, “I could wake up every day and say, ‘BBL Drizzy’ or some more shit while I’m smoking a joint, listening to the waterfalls and all that shit, looking at the birds fly off. That shit easy for me.”
Yung Miami asked Rozay if he thought they could move pass the beef they had and remember all the great hits they made together and Rick Ross joked, “It depends on how I feel. If I had Luc Belaire already that morning, it may be a good day.” He then added, “I I haven’t, you never f**king know, you know what I’m saying? Because that’s how the game go. It’s just like that. Fuck ‘em or whatever it is. But other than that, I ain’t losing no sleep over nothing.”
Watch the full interview above.