Diplo Accused of Distributing Revenge Porn in Police Report
The California woman previously filed a police report against the DJ in 2021.

A California woman has filed a police report accusing Diplo of distributing revenge porn of her. The report was filed by a woman named Shelly Auguste with the Los Angeles Police Department in August and was first reported on by Pitchfork.
Auguste says that Diplo, whose real name is Thomas Wesley Pentz, distributed nude photographs of her without her permission, also known as revenge porn.
August and Pentz have been in a legal battle since 2020, according to the publication. She previously accused him of distributing revenge porn in the form of a nude video in 2021. Pentz was not criminally charged at the time and denied the allegations.
The LAPD submitted Auguste’s report to the Los Angeles city attorney’s office in November, where it is currently “under review.”
Auguste is also suing Pentz for sexual battery, gender violence, intentional intrusion into private affairs, battery, assault, defamation, intentional infliction of emotional distress, and fraud, along with violation of the Ralph Civil Rights Act and violation of the Tom Bane Civil Rights Act. For those unfamiliar, the Ralph Act protects people with special characteristics from intimidation and violence and those who are found in violation of it are charged with a hate crime.
Diplo is suing Auguste, meanwhile, for stalking, trespassing, and distributing private materials. A civil trial is set for April 2024.