Initial Reactions to 'Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness' Are Here
Garnering a series of mixed reviews from critiques and fans.

The first reactions to Marvel‘s latest franchise film, Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness, are officially in. As the second installment begins to roll out across the big screens worldwide, fans are taken on a journey with Benedict Cumberbatch and Elizabeth Olsen through various dimensions.
So far, the Sam Raimi-directed Doctor Strange sequel has received mostly positive reviews from those who attended the world premiere event in Los Angeles earlier this week. The positive reactions were intertwined with mixed feelings surrounding the chaos of the plotline. The Hollywood Reporter‘s John DeFore thought the film was an overall success, “Though unsatisfying in some respects, the film is enough fun to make one wish for a portal to a variant universe in which Marvel movies spent more time exploiting their own strengths and less time trying to make you want more Marvel movies.”
Critics have agreed that Olsen’s portrayal of Wanda/Scarlet Witch has surpassed expectations garnering much praise alongside he co-star Cumberbatch, who Variety‘s Owen Gleiberman called the character an “addled master of ceremonies to a loopy psychedelic chase movie that never settles down enough to locate its emotional core.” Others have called the film the “horror” movie that MCU has finally been waiting for, staying true to Raimi’s signature direction.
Take a look below at some of the initial reactions for Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness. The film arrives in theaters worldwide on May 6.
#MultiverseOfMadness is the most unbelievable Marvel movie ever made.
All gas, no breaks. With every scene more shocking than the last. Marvel Studios shows they are not afraid to push every limit imaginable.
The Doctor Strange franchise is completely unleashed.
— The Fist of Feige – Matt Roembke (@mattroembke) May 3, 2022
Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness is the weirdest, grossest Marvel movie yet. It’s wildly disjointed, partially on purpose, so it doesn’t always work but the horror, and especially Wanda, work incredibly well. Plus wow. What huge surprises.
— Germain Lussier (@GermainLussier) May 3, 2022
#DoctorStrangeintheMultiverseofMadness is absolutely nuts. Absolutely mad you might say. Hardcore fans are going to bug. Casual fans are gonna go WTF am I watching? But don’t know if anyone will deny it’s Sam Raimi to the max, and Elizabeth Olsen owns it from start to finish.
— Kevin Polowy (@djkevlar) May 3, 2022
#DoctorStrange is filled with hugely entertaining sequences, character-driven heft & kaleidoscopic, trippy visuals. Xochitl Gomez is a scene stealer. Elizabeth Olsen owns. Benedict Cumberbatch, superb. Doubles as a good entry point for Beginners Horror. Has Raimi signature.
— Courtney Howard (@Lulamaybelle) May 3, 2022
Welp! Marvel fans finally got their horror movie. #DoctorStrangeInTheMultiverseOfMadness is a dark & wildly imaginative creation from the twisted and brilliant mind of Sam Raimi. Dug the hell out of it. Study up on your comic book knowledge…Superhero fans will lose their faces!
— Clayton Davis – Stand with 🇺🇦 (@ByClaytonDavis) May 3, 2022
#DoctorStrange #MultiverseOfMadness is a Sam Raimi movie in and out… horrific, brutal, shocking, & even scary at times. The film builds on each minute it gives & never lets up even at the very end. Elizabeth Olsen is even better than she was in WANDAVISION.
— Zach Pope (@popetheking) May 3, 2022
I think overall I went in wanting to love it and I left going I liked it. I wasn’t blown away by it but I had a ton of fun. It should have been better & a lot of that comes down to the core of its soul. It’s missing a lot but adds in a ton of greatness. I hope Raimi comes back
— Zach Pope (@popetheking) May 3, 2022
Absolutely in love with what I just saw. Raimi is truly all over it, and the horror elements are something special, but it’s so fast as brutal and FUN. Did not feel like anything I’ve watched in the MCU before. Cumberbatch and Olsen are 🐐. #DoctorStrange #MultiverseOfMadness
— Mary Maerz (@mrymrz_) May 3, 2022
#MultiverseOfMadness OMG.
Multiverse of MADNESS. #doctorstrange is the BEST Marvel movie since Endgame.
Start 2 finish it’s insane in all the best ways. So many surprises, so much 2 geek out about, & stay through the credits.@DrStrange @MarvelStudios absolutely incredible
— Ashley Saunders ➡️ Multiverse of Madness (@ThatAshleyErin) May 3, 2022
#MultiverseOfMadness is an amazing return for Sam Raimi. Dripping in his style from beginning to end I’m in awe of how the MCU continues to evolve delving deep into the multiverse. Benedict Cumberbatch is great as Strange but Elizabeth Olsen steals the show as the Scarlet Witch
— Tyler Calvert (@ItsTylerCalvert) May 3, 2022
The Reactions for #MultiverseOfMadness are in…some are mixed & some are VERY positive.
Critics are saying the film is a bit uneven & may disappoint those expecting lots of cameos, but it’s apparently a Raimi movie FIRST. Fun, horrific, fast-paced, visually stunning, & VIOLENT.
— DR Movie News 📽 (@DRMovieNews1) May 3, 2022
By far the creepiest, gnarliest, zaniest, most haunting & terrifying Marvel movie, #MultiverseOfMadness definitely brings the Sam Raimi horror vibes, and I loved that about it. Danny Elfman’s music is a perfect fit for the film’s odd, mysterious tone & Elizabeth Olsen is MVP, imo
— Erik Davis (@ErikDavis) May 3, 2022
#DoctorStrange in the Multiverse of Madness rules. It’s inventive, truly weird, and absolutely a joyride to watch. I didn’t realize how much the MCU needed something like this.
I will have so many more thoughts over at @ComicBook very, very soon.
— Jenna Anderson (@heyitsjennalynn) May 3, 2022
#DoctorStrange throws a lot at the wall: some sticks (surprisingly simple narrative), some falls flat (mostly w/ CGI). Olsen crushes but Gomez is my rockstar. Cumberbatch reeeally feels like the “anchor of the MCU” throughout. Not perfect, but a worthwhile experience. @MCU_Direct
— Liam Crowley (@LiamTCrowley) May 3, 2022
#MultiverseOfMadness very much feels like a both a Sam Raimi movie and a day in the life of #DoctorStrange
It’s the MCU formula perfected IMO: despite the franchise/multiversal implications and reveals, the film is very much self-contained and focused on its own story and style.
— Eric Italiano (@ericitaIiano) May 3, 2022
There’s a lot to like about #MultiverseOfMadness. #DoctorStrange has a great arc. Xochitl Gomez kills it as #AmericaChavez and #ChristinePalmer is utilized better than in the first.
But as for the element I was most anticipating (and most nervous about) – #Wanda – well….
— Julia Delbel (@juliadelbel) May 3, 2022
Marvel takes a BIG swing with #DoctorStrange Elizabeth Olsen absolutely delivers and Raimi has his stamp all over it, but there’s a disjointed and chaotic rush to it.
— Paul McGuire Grimes (@PaulsMovieTrip) May 3, 2022
In case you missed it, a new battle scene from Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness has surfaced.