Live Spectators to Return to This Year's Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade
Celebrating the 95th installment.

Macy’s has just announced the return of spectators to its iconic Thanksgiving Day Parade.
With a turbulent last two years largely due to COVID-19, last year lacked some of the energy experienced in past years as the allowance for packed roads was not permitted due to pandemic restriction. Now, with the help of the City of New York and the CDC, the 2021 parade will return to its regularly scheduled programming.
The statement read:
Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade has been a New York City institution for more than nine decades, growing to become an icon of American pop culture as it annually marks the official start of the holiday season. For our 95th celebration, we are delighted to return this cherished holiday tradition closer to its original form as we march down the streets of New York City and into the homes of a nationwide audience.
Along with the safety guidelines:
-All volunteer participants and staff will be vaccinated, with few exceptions being made at the sole discretion of Macy’s and its medical consultant based on select extenuating circumstances. For those instances, Macy’s medical personnel will administer COVID testing.
-All participants and staff, regardless of vaccination status, will wear face coverings and additional protective equipment, depending on their role. As appropriate, exceptions may include performers for the national broadcast.
-Macy’s will implement a reduction in the overall number of participants of between 10 to 20 percent (approximately 800 to 1,600 participants).
-Social distancing practices will be in place at all interior and exterior parade operations.
The interested can tune in for Macy’s 95th Thanksgiving Day Parade on November 25 at 9:00 a.m. ET until noon.
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