Mark Hamill Reveals He Has Cameoed In Every 'Star Wars' Film Since 2015
Lending his voice to characters like Dobbu Scay and Booli.

Mark Hamill has just surprised Star Wars fans by revealing that he has made a cameo in every Star Wars film since 2015.
While mostly appearing off-screen, voicing various supporting characters, Hamill’s vocal talents have contributed to the films The Force Awakens, The Last Jedi, Rise of Skywalker, Rogue One, and Solo. The reveal came after Wookieepedia broke the news that Hamill was the voice actor behind EV-9D9 in The Mandalorian. Fans have already begun the hunt to identify all of his characters like The Last Jedi‘s Dobbu Scay and Rise of Skywalker‘s Booli.
A good place to start would be in the credits where Hamill revealed in 2020 that his pseudonym was William M. Patrick (named after his brothers) and that he does it for the fans, and because he simply just loves Easter eggs.
Did you know…
I voiced multiple secret voice-cameos in every #StarWars movie released since 2015?**(Sequels, Solo, Rogue One)
— Mark Hamill (@HamillHimself) July 21, 2021
It was never about billing (L-#RogueOne R-#Solo) or salary. It was for fun & the fans & because I❤️#EasterEggs! I misremembered my pseudonym as “Patrick Williams”-It was actually “William M. Patrick” (for my older & younger brothers) I’m not telling what the M. stands for. #Guess
— Mark Hamill (@HamillHimself) June 22, 2020
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