Canon Has Created a Website That Let's You "Take Pictures" From Space
With the help of its CE-SAT-1 satellite and astronaut Marsha Ivins.

Japanese photography giant Canon has launched a new interactive website giving you the chance to “take pictures” from space.
Unveiled at CES 2021, the new website is based on Canon’s wine barrel-sized satellite, the CE-SAT-1, which was launched into space back in June of 2017. The satellite carries a PowerShot S110 and an EOS 5D Mark III DSLR fitted with a 40cm Cassegrain-type 3720mm telescope, and the company claims that at an orbit of 375 miles, images come in at around a 36-inch ground resolution inside a 3×2 mile frame.
The entire experience on the website is narrated by astronaut Marsha Ivins, who explains what the satellite is used for and how it was designed and built. You’ll be able to ‘snap photos’ using pre-captured imagery by the CE-SAT-1, zoom across the globe to various locations, and explore more about Canon’s space photography initiative, which it hopes to develop into a full-blown, billion-dollar business by 2030.
To check out the interactive space photography experience yourself, you can head over to Canon’s website.
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