'Transformers' Fan Shows Every "Generation 1" Hasbro Figure in His Toy Collection
Filled with regional exclusives, variants, and more still in their original boxes.
YouTuber Toys are Russ has uploaded three videos of his complete Transformers Generation 1 toy collection from Hasbro and Takara of Japan. The vintage Transformers figures are highly coveted and expensive due to their rarity and the popular designs featured during this generation.
Toys are Russ has every Hasbro G1 figure, and the video begins with a focus on the figures released from 1984 to 1986, with many still in their original packaging. The collection features individual figures in robot and alternative modes, with some containing Japanese and Italian releases. There are “Combiners, Micromaster, and Action Masters,” as well as Italian and “Loads of gold classic mosc items.” A very rare European edition of Action Masters and Motorvators is shown as well. The final video below showcases the massive collection in its entirety, including some Japanese exclusives. Figures include, “Raiden, Liokaiser, Victory Sabre, Road Caesar, Stepper, and many more.”
The generation of toys started in 1984 and ran for several years alongside the run of the original Transformers cartoon series, which began the same year. The toy line ran for seven years in America, and eight years in Europe and Japan. The first generation of Transformers figures saw huge success until 1988 when the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles made a splash in the merchandising business.
In other design news, Top Gun and Transformers collide for a new Maverick figure.