Uber & Lyft Drivers Are Planning a Nationwide Strike to Disrupt Morning Commutes
Find out if you will be affected.

According to reports, Uber and Lyft drivers are planning to hold a two-hour strike in major cities during the morning hours of May 8. Taking place in Philadelphia, Boston, Los Angeles, New York City, Birmingham, Nottingham, Glasgow, and London, the protest is expected seriously disrupt morning commutes in the metropolitan areas. The drivers behind the popular apps have strategically planned the strike to coincide with the debut of Uber’s long-awaited IPO taking place the following day.
Uber drivers are unhappy with the current payment and labor practices which have been part of the company rise to an expected $90 billion USD valuation. The labor groups responsible for organizing the event are calling for an end to upfront pricing, pushing for fewer driver deactivations and the enforcement of a cap on commissions taken by the ride share companies.
Stay tuned more details as the story develops.
In case you missed it, Elon Musk recently stated that Tesla robotaxis are coming in 2020.
STRIKE STRIKE STRIKE! We are calling on all people of good conscience in NYC to log off of the apps in 7 AM to 9 AM Wednesday, May 8th to support our strike. Don’t use Uber, don’t use Lyft. Log off of all the apps! Support app drivers demanding job security and livable incomes!
— NY Taxi Workers (@NYTWA) May 3, 2019
Uber says it can’t pay its drivers more money, but rewarded its CEO with nearly $50 million last year. People who work for multibillion-dollar companies should not have to work 70 or 80 hours a week to get by. I stand with the Uber and Lyft drivers going on strike on May 8.
— Bernie Sanders (@BernieSanders) May 3, 2019