Ignasi Monreal Unveils Lifelike Paintings for "Plats Bruts" Exhibition
“This is what happens when you give me three months of freedom.”

Ignasi Monreal is a multifaceted artist beloved by the high fashion world. His masterful ability to digitally paint pieces evoking Renaissance era masterpieces has caught the attention of major clients for commissions such as Gucci, Dior, Louis Vuitton, Four Season and JW Anderson. After months of relentless commercial work, the Spanish artist finally found time to create original artworks. The result is a series of photorealistic paintings for his first solo exhibition entitled Plat Brut at Madrid’s La Fresh Gallery. “I took this opportunity to do something 100% mine, this is what happens when you give me three months of freedom,” said Monreal in a statement.
Monreal ditched the iPad, which he has used to illustrate advertising campaigns, and instead, returned to traditional painting using oil on canvas to create his new works. For the series, he evokes the style of the Realism movement alongside still lifes from the Italian and Spanish Baroque period. The subjects of these lifelike pieces were inspired by the artist’s “late night dinners, lavish house parties, or even finding my local everyday lunch spot” in Rome, as per a statement.
View select works alongside up-close detail shots above. “Plats Bruts” will be open to the public at La Fresh Gallery starting from February 28 to April 12.
La Fresh Gallery
Calle Conde de Aranda 5
Madrid, Spain 28001