Denzel Curry Goes Super Saiyan In "Ultimate" MV Feat. Juicy J
The video has finally hit YouTube.
After releasing the highly-anticipated TA13OO last year after a long hiatus, Denzel Curry has returned with a menacing new visual for his 2015 remix classic of “Ultimate” feat. Juicy J. The video was originally released last year exclusively to Apple Music but has now finally reached wider viewing platforms.
The new visual sees Denzel Curry channeling his inner-Super Saiyan abilities, causing immense damage and havoc inside of an empty factory warehouse. Halfway through the video, he gets a surprise Facetime from Juicy J, taking a break from his destructive run to let the Three 6 Mafia-rapper throw down his verse over the phone. Curry, unfortunately, breaks the phone midway through, only to go back to absolutely destroying various objects around him.
Check out the video above, and for more music news, Freddie Gibbs and Madlib return in new single “Flat Tummy Tea.”