You Can Now Race in 'Mario Kart 8 Deluxe' Using Nintendo Labo
The first Nintendo game updated to use the Toy-Con.
Mario Kart Deluxe 8 is getting an update today to add Nintendo Labo support for the Switch, introducing the Toy-Con Motorbike to the title via the Nintendo Labo Variety Kit. The kit utilizes the motion controls of the Switch to allow the handlebars to turn and accelerate while the Joy-Con buttons function the way they would normally to fire items and drift.
Up to four Toy-Con Motorbikes can play a game at a time as Mario Kart 8 Deluxe becomes the first non-Labo game to receive Toy-Con support; expect to see more support across the company’s library of titles in due time.
In related news, Spider-Man’s PS4 mystery villain has been leaked.