Nintendo Has Surpassed Analyst Estimates by Over $40 Million USD
The Switch is a success.

Nintendo has beat analyst estimates by seeing an upswing in profit during its first quarter. This time last year Nintendo wasn’t doing very well, losing ¥5.13 billion JPY ($45.9 million USD) during its Wii U years. But thanks to the success of the Switch, the $144.95 million USD operating profit for the April to June period surpassed an ¥11.55 billion JPY ($103.2 million USD) analyst forecast.
The worldwide life-to-date sales for Switch hardware and games are 4.7 million and 13.6 million units respectively. Even new mobile titles like Super Mario Run and Fire Emblem drove first quarter revenue from mobile gaming and related merchandise to ¥9 billion JPY ($80.4 million USD), up from ¥1.6 billion JPY ($14.2 million USD) a year prior.
Later in the fall, Nintendo expects to release Super Mario Odyssey, Pokémon Ultra Sun and Pokémon Ultra Moon as well as the Super NES Classic Edition.