Julian Klincewicz Talks Vacationing, Upcoming Projects & Being a Wedding Photographer
“I would be so excited to get to work on a pair of shoes.”

Julian Klincewicz has worked with the likes of Gosha Rubchinskiy and Kanye West to name but a few, so it comes as no surprise that the artist would have a lot to say about his recent travails. In a recent interview, the 21-year old spoke about finally taking vacation time, and his upcoming works amongst other topics.
While an excerpt of the interview appears below, it can be read in its entirety over at Amuse.
After a few years of constant work and work-related travels, you took some time off. How was it? Did you figure out how to just vacation and do nothing?
I finally did it and it was amazing. I went on a road trip with my girlfriend. It was really radical for me to have no schedule for a week – just driving, stopping wherever we wanted to take pictures or to get food. We camped out one night, and the car broke down in the morning, but it wasn’t even a big deal because we had nowhere we needed to be. It was exactly what I needed and everything I hoped it would be.It got me inspired and cleared up a lot of things in terms of how to value my time. That time away from work is equally as important as time spent working, which is something I either never actually understood, or just took for granted. I think as an artist, especially an artist for hire, you need to be inspired. You need to create work from a place of inspiration, and if you’re not doing that, you’re doing a disservice to yourself, your work, your name, and especially if you’re working in collaboration with someone else or someone else’s brand, you risk doing a disservice to them as well, which is a horrible position to put someone else in.
Do you ever feel obligated to keep up with a certain tempo that you have put yourself in?
Up until about two weeks ago, it haunted me horribly. The thing is, I get to do what I love, and I mean truly love, as my job. So I just always have ideas. I’m always working on stuff. Everything I see or do or touch or any place I go inspires me and makes me think of projects, and I never want to deny those thoughts. But at a certain point, let’s say about three weeks ago, I realized in a new way that there’s more than one way to be productive.Taking time to rest, to really compose your thoughts, concepts, execution is equally important. I also realized that part of my job is basically to bring my life and my experiences to people, but if I’m not taking that one day a week just to have to myself, then I have less life experience to bring, and a little less to share with people, and I think that’s really dangerous, both for my mental health, and for art.
We recently spoke to Klincewicz himself, you can read his thoughts about his work with Gosha Rubchinskiy here.