Grailed Lists Its 30 Most Popular Brands of 2017
Supreme leads the way.

As 2017 comes to an end in a few hours, Grailed has just released a comprehensive overview of its most popular brands during the past 12 months, taking a look at major resales, huge offers and clutch buys. Taking the 30 biggest and most relevant brands on its online market, Grailed has created an interactive chart to give insight on what users are selling and buying.
The chart takes into account the last four quarters of 2017, spotlighting how each brand has done throughout. Moving from left to right, the left represents that respective brand’s most popular item in Quarter 1, with the final item representing the most popular item in Quarter 4. 2017 sees streetwear giant Supreme leading the pack throughout the year followed closely by adidas in second.
Check out how the other 30 biggest brands did in 2017 on the full interactive chart on