Burger King Burns Wendy's With New Spicy Chicken Nuggets
If your name is Wendy, Burger King is offering you free nuggets.

Burger King is launching its own spicy chicken nuggets after Wendy’s discontinued the item earlier this year. With the beloved food option now gone from its competitor, BK thought it would be a good idea to capitalize on the opportunity and demand since it feels its recipe will be much better.
Burger King’s president Alex Macedo told Business Insider:
“There were a couple competitors out there that did spicy nuggets, and all of a sudden, one or two of these competitors decided to eliminate the product. We saw some of the same things we had seen for Chicken Fries, a menu item Burger King brought back in 2015 after discontinuing the dish. People were craving this spicy nugget. They wanted spicy nuggets.”
In additions, all customers named “Wendy” in Los Angeles, Miami, and New York City will receive one free 10-piece order of Spicy Chicken Nuggets on the afternoon of Friday, October 13 if they bring a valid form of identification. For people not named Wendy, the 10-piece nuggets will cost $1.49 USD for a limited time.