'Battlefield 1' Goes Back in Time to World War I
DICE and EA officially reveal the latest ‘Battlefield’ entry.
After dropping Battlefield Hardline back in March of last year, Electronic Arts and DICE have gone in a decidedly different direction for their latest installment in the war-centric franchise. Aptly dubbed Battlefield 1, the upcoming game will take players back to World War I and will not only offer up an immersive single-player experience, but massive 64-player firefights, too. Perhaps best of all, play won’t be limited to just one front: the game will take players to the likes of London, France, and the Arabian Desert.
Battlefield 1 is due out October 21 for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC and can be pre-ordered online now. Those eager to get their hands on the game sooner rather than later, however, will have a chance to join an open beta later this summer while gameplay footage is set for a June 12 reveal.