Beverly Hills to Build a Fleet of Self-Driving Cars for Public Transportation
“The perfect community to take the lead to make this technology a reality.”

The presence of self-driving cars (at least partially) will become increasingly more apparent amongst households in the coming years, so it’s only a matter of time before they get incorporated into public transportation as well. The Beverly Hills City Council has decided to speed up the process by unanimously voting to build up a fleet of on-demand autonomous cars which will serve the 5.7-square-mile area of the city. In a press release Mayor John Mirisch stated, “Beverly Hills is the perfect community to take the lead to make this technology a reality. It is now both feasible and safe for autonomous cars to be on the road.” The city is in the process of designing a network of fiber optic cables that will allow for communication between smart cars, in addition to providing all its residents and businesses with high-speed connectivity. Public demonstration rides and discussion panels are set to take place in the near future.