Fisher-Price Envisions the Future of Toys for the Children of Generation Z
Try not to be too jealous.
The near future will see the rise of the millennial cohort and the Snapchat generation into the role of parenthood, which will usher in a style of parenting that has never before been seen, thanks to the certainty that technology will permeate every aspect of the lives of their children. Fisher-Price has taken a brave stab at envisioning what this future entails, and has partnered with design consultancy Continuum to realize this vision. Looking at the state of child’s play in 2025, the concept video shows the refocusing of toys around a heavily interactive and hologram-centric paradigm, where the act of playing has integrated into it a plethora of learning processes. Take a look at what exactly the children of the future will be experiencing above, and head over to Co.Design where Fisher-Price’s head of design dispenses with some nuggets concerning the toy company’s direction in the next decade to come.