Chilean Customs Officials Seize Shipment of Fake Shoes Worth up to $31 Million USD
Containing thousands of counterfeit Nikes and adidas kicks.

Back in May, we said that there is no grey market for sneakers – they’re either real or fake. It seems that the customs officials in Chile got our message loud and clear. The Regional Director of Customs for the Chilean National Customs Office, Ricardo Aceituno, confirmed today that a seizure which took place on November 7 in Iquique, Chile, was indeed for fake and counterfeit sneakers.
Totalling $31,786,395.42 USD in value, the shipment originated from China and was comprised of 16,454 fakes divided into 474 boxes and hidden beneath packages of napkins. Included in the fakes were the most popular Nike and adidas models along with pairs of “Chalas” Zodiac which mimics the Colombian “Zodiak” brand. The officials said that irregularities in the route and weight of the shipment set off red flags along with the documentation which only declared $24,209 USD worth of goods.
What do you think about governments cracking down on fakes?