Supreme Unveils New Politically-Charged T-shirt
“Just say ‘Fuck Off.’”

Just as you thought that there’s nothing left to be said about the current social-political state that hasn’t already been said, Supreme has put in its two cents by way of releasing a new T-shirt. In response to the wave of hatred that has emerged as of late, the streetwear brand’s new T-shirt tells you to “Just say ‘Fuck off.’”
Placed front and center is a straightforward message printed in black: “Say no to racists, to sexists pigs, to authority figures, to religion, to television, to patriotism, to political ideologies, and any of the thousand and one ways in which this society keeps you from realizing your own needs and desires.” The garment has only been unveiled on Supreme’s Instagram account, with no official price or release date. Stay tuned for more information and let us know your thoughts in the comments.