Tempescope Simulates the Daily Weather in Your Home
Shifting the weather forecast from URL to IRL

Tempescope is an “ambient weather display” that recreates rain, clouds and simulated lightning in an enclosed box that can be celestially displayed in your home or office. Software engineer Ken Kawamoto originally created a prototype in 2012 out of repurposed shampoo bottles, and eventually an open-source version in 2013. After receiving accolades from the design and engineering community, Kawamoto and the team behind Tempescope decided to launch a crowd-funding campaign to bring the product to consumers. The initial kit will provide users with an acrylic box, water pump, mist diffuser and an Arduino microcomputer to program the device. The Arduino can be synched wirelessly with an app or computer to receive real-time weather updates. To get a sneak peek at the campaign which goes live on September 30, head over to Indiegogo.