Mishka Teams up With Fisher Wallace for Portable Brain Stimulation Device
Mishka NYC move into personal healthcare with avant-garde collaboration.

Fisher Wallace Laboratories and Mishka NYC have teamed up for a groundbreaking and unexpected collaboration – a bespoke Mischka Edition brain stimulator. Designed and built for the treatment of depression, anxiety and insomnia, the Fisher Wallace Stimulator works by stimulating the brain to produce serotonin and other neurochemicals required for healthy mood and sleep and is approved by both the FDA and 11 of New York City’s largest hospitals. “I’m originally a graphic novelist and found myself attracted to Mishka’s comic book style,” explains Kelly Roman, co-owner and Chief Marketing Officer of Fisher Wallace Laboratories. “There’s no rule that says you can’t combine street art and neuroscience, and people who appreciate streetwear are also looking for an effective alternative to Big Pharma. This device costs the same as an iPad and offers arguably more utility.” The Mishka Edition Fisher Wallace Stimulator is available for purchase on MishkaFW.com for $599, with written authorization from a licensed healthcare practitioner in the United States.