Kanye West and Damon Dash Sued Over Movie Title
Music superstar Kanye West and entrepreneur Damon Dash have recently been in talks to acquire

Music superstar Kanye West and entrepreneur Damon Dash have recently been in talks to acquire Karmaloop, a multi-platform web retailer specializing in streetwear e-commerce, however, that is not the only joint venture the two have been collaborating on. The influential duo also worked on a film titled Loisadas, which is a Spanish nickname for New York’s Lower East Side. Unfortunately, that film may not make it to audiences as a musical duo, who perform under the same name, have taken legal action against the two, not only for the allegedly copied titled but also due to the films content, which is said to contain violence, murder, and drug sales that tarnish the band’s name. Micheal Medina, Louisadas’ lead singer, is looking for a halt to West and Dash’s film project altogether, as well as damages. Quite a steep lawsuit against these two superpowers, Medina should prepare for one strenuous lawsuit. Stay tuned as this develops.