Shia Labeouf Wants You to Make His Hotline Bling
Just do it. #TOUCHMYSOUL

It seems like it was only yesterday that seemingly everyone was tuning in to watch Shia Labeouf watching his own films in reverse chronological order for his ambitious and massively successful #ALLMYMOVIES project. But it looks like the Transformers alumnus is far from finished with us: the latest in Labeouf’s streak of performance art pieces is #TOUCHMYSOUL, a project that finds the compulsively creative ex-Disney star sitting alongside artistic collaborators Nastja Säde Rönkkö and Luke Turner in a Liverpool gallery space, taking calls from strangers.
That’s right: Shia Labeouf wants you to call him and, well, just talk to him, it seems. The experience is once again being live-streamed to an international audience, with what is presumably a transcript of incoming calls and conversations unfolding below the video player.
If you’re interested in reaching out and touching Shia’s soul, the hotline is +44/0-151-808-0771. If you’re just interested in watching the live-stream, click the hashtag above.