Apple car

Apple Car Could Debut in 2028, but With Reduced Autonomy

Apple Car Could Debut in 2028, but With Reduced Autonomy

A reminder that the decade-long project still exists.

Apple Reportedly Filed Patents for Adjustable Tinted Windows for Semi and Fully Autonomous Vehicles

Apple Reportedly Filed Patents for Adjustable Tinted Windows for Semi and Fully Autonomous Vehicles

Giving fans further insight with what to expect for the future Apple Car.

Apple's Rumored Electric Vehicle Reportedly Not Fully Self-Driving

Apple's Rumored Electric Vehicle Reportedly Not Fully Self-Driving

Supposedly autonomous on highways.

Tesla's Chief Designer Disses New Apple Products for Lack of Innovation
Tech & Gadgets

Tesla's Chief Designer Disses New Apple Products for Lack of Innovation

Calling them “nothing to look forward to.”

Apple Reportedly Looks to Unveil a Fully Self-Driving Car in 2025

Apple Reportedly Looks to Unveil a Fully Self-Driving Car in 2025

Sources claim the company’s “ideal” car would not include a steering wheel or pedals.

Apple Car Concept Renditions Designed After Company Patents Have Surfaced

Apple Car Concept Renditions Designed After Company Patents Have Surfaced

Vanarama recreates the possible appearance of the futuristic Apple Car.

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