Google Glass

Google Glass Enterprise Is Now Available for Consumer Purchase at Around $1,800 USD
Tech & Gadgets

Google Glass Enterprise Is Now Available for Consumer Purchase at Around $1,800 USD

Not much of an upgrade but could be perfect for hardcore tech enthusiasts.

Google Glass Returns With a Vengeance for Business Enterprises
Tech & Gadgets

Google Glass Returns With a Vengeance for Business Enterprises

Courtesy of Alphabet X.

Apple Is Reportedly Looking Into Developing Smart Glasses
Tech & Gadgets

Apple Is Reportedly Looking Into Developing Smart Glasses

Might this go the same way as the Google Glass?

Tesla Is Using Google Glass to Help Its Workers Be More Efficient
Tech & Gadgets

Tesla Is Using Google Glass to Help Its Workers Be More Efficient

Google Glass – the next advancement in worker efficiency?

Google Patents Hologram Technology for Glass
Tech & Gadgets

Google Patents Hologram Technology for Glass

Big steps from Google.

A New Version of Google Glass Is Coming Soon
Tech & Gadgets

A New Version of Google Glass Is Coming Soon

The speculation and doubt concerning the future of Google Glass can now be laid to rest.

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