Archaeologists Unearth Neolithic Structure Older Than Stonehenge and the Egyptian Pyramids of Giza
Located in the outskirts of Prague, Czech Republic.

Archaeologists have discovered a mysterious stone structure on the outskirts of Prague, Czech Republic that dates back over 7,000 years — older than Stonehenge and the Egyptian pyramids of Giza.
The site measures approximately 180 feet and has been referred by experts as a roundel. “Roundels are the oldest evidence of architecture in all of Europe,” said Jaroslav Řídký of the Institute of Archaeology of the Czech Academy of Sciences, in an interview with Radio Prague International.
“Roundels were built during the Stone Age, when people had not yet discovered iron. The only tools they could use were made of stone and animal bones,” added Miroslav Kraus, director of the excavation. “It could have been used as an economic center, a center of trade. It could also have been a center of some religious cult, where rites of passage or rituals connected to the time of year were performed.”
In the past, around 200 roundels have been unearthed across Central Europe, including the Goseck Circle, an ancient solar observatory located in Germany. This particular roundel was first discovered in the 1980s, but new radiocarbon tests reveal that the Neolithic structure dates back to the years between 4900 B.C. and 4400 B.C and once had three separate entrances.
Other noteworthy findings include shattered pottery fragments, hunting tools and animal bones — all of which provide clues into the civilization that once occupied these monuments.
In related news, a Gaza farmer accidentally unearthed a well-preserved Byzantine mosaic.