This Edible Tape Ensures Burritos Don't Unravel
Is it really necessary?
The burrito undeniably stands as one of the most popular dishes of Mexican and Tex-Mex cuisine, though some have trouble making burritos that stay intact. The flour tortilla wrapped into a cylindrical shape to hold in the protein, rice, beans, cheese, vegetables and condiments is often grilled or steamed to hold together, but a new development might finally solve the problem for some.
Researchers from the Faculty of Engineering at Johns Hopkins University unveiled “Testee Tape” during Engineering Design Day at the school. The edible tape can be attached to a burrito to ensure that the fillings do not spill out while a burrito is being eaten. The tape is made from an organic material and is easily applied after peeling it off of a waxed paper backing. The adhesive nature of the tape is activated by being exposed to moisture.
Check out the edible tape ensuring burritos don’t unravel below.
We could get behind this for #TacoTuesday!@JohnsHopkins students create edible tortilla tape to fix wrap problem:
— Johns Hopkins Carey Business School (@JHUCarey) May 17, 2022
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