Jerry Bruckheimer is Producing a Live-Action 'Beyblade' Movie for Paramount
“3, 2, 1, Let it Rip!”

According to reports, Jerry Bruckheimer is now producing a live-action Beyblade movie for Paramount Pictures. Starting as a line of spinning-top toys and accompanying manga/anime series by Takara, now Takara Tomy, in 1999, Hasbro then brought Beyblade to North America in 2002.
Although not much is known about the project, the plot is expected to follow the original Beyblade series known to the North American audience. A script for the live-action film is now being written by Neil Widener and Gavin James with close production by blockbuster producer Jerry Bruckheimer.
Beyblade centers around a young group of competitors that battled in arenas called Beystadiums. Utilizing a BeyLauncher to launch into battle and calling upon distinct Bit Beasts to unlock special powers.
For more entertainment news, Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero recently teased a Teen Gotenks Fusion and announced its North America release.