Adult Swim Delivers New 'Rick and Morty' Anime Episode
Titled “Summer Meets God (Rick Meets Evil).”
Continuing to deliver expertly crafted Rick and Morty anime one-offs, Adult Swim has tapped acclaimed animator Takashi Sano for “Summer Meets God (Rick Meets Evil).” From animation studio Telecom Animation Film and produced by Sola Entertainment, the 15-minute long episode comes completely in Japanese with English subtitles and reimagines the dynamic of Rick and Morty.
“Summer’s new boyfriend isn’t human, Jerry’s in big trouble as usual, and Rick is well… just being Rick,” reads Adult Swim’s description. The short largely features elements from Season 5, most notably Gotron, a Voltron-like mecha constructed of five colorful ferrets.
Watch Adult Swim’s latest Rick and Morty anime short “Summer Meets God (Rick Meets Evil)” above.
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