Uber Shares the Most Unusual Items That Riders Left Behind in the Last Year
A tooth, part of an ankle monitor and a cooler full of fish top the list.

While travel was certainly limited over the course of 2020, Uber drivers still managed to complete almost five billion trips throughout the year. And with the large number of rideshare trips completed comes a slew of double-take-worthy objects forgotten in cars by riders.
Uber on Tuesday shared its fifth annual Lost & Found Index, detailing the most frequent and unique items lost by riders over the last year.
While the 10 most commonly left-behind items include phones, cameras, wallets, keys, backpacks, luggage, headphones, glasses, vapes/e-cigs, IDs and water bottles, there were a multitude of forgotten items that left drivers confused. According to the Index, the top “most unique” lost items were a tooth, 22 bundt cakes and a pan of macaroni & cheese, washing liquid, a nude corset and part of an ankle monitor. Elsewhere on the list, a cooler full of fish, an FBI bulletproof vest, rabbit legs, a large painting of Kate Middleton, a catheter, a mannequin head, a tattoo machine and a dog’s ashes were among some of the most bizarre forgotten objects left behind.
As for the locations where the most items were forgotten, Texas and Florida dominate the top spots. Austin, Texas, placed first, followed by Fort Myers, Florida, and Nashville, Tennesse, in second and third, respectively. Rounding out the top five, San Antonio, Texas, and Tampa Bay, Florida, claimed the fourth and fifth places.
Unsurprisingly, the Index reports that Uber riders are most forgetful on Friday, Saturday and late at night, specifically at 8 p.m., 11 p.m. and midnight. Meanwhile, the report claims that the most forgetful days of last year were November 1 (post-Halloween), January 1 (New Year’s Day) and February 17 (late at night, after Mardi Gras).
Revel in the list of the 25 most unique forgotten items below:
- A tooth. It was in my pocket and seems to have fallen out
- 22 bundt cakes and a pan of macaroni and cheese
- Washing liquid
- A nude corset
- Part of an ankle monitor
- FBI bulletproof vest
- A cooler full of fish
- Fresh shrimp
- A rolled-up poster held with an elastic band. It says “end this bummer” with Endless Summer artwork
- A green dinosaur Halloween costume and a knife that is needed for a job.
- Rabbit legs
- Unicorn tail and a piñata
- A framed Beauty and the Beast signed picture in a plastic case
- Antique roller blades, Christmas plates, and a cookie jar
- The fur cover for my knee scooter (because I broke my foot)
- A toilet seat and welcome door sign shaped like a lemon with a blue ribbon
- A sushi platter
- A large painting of Kate Middleton and a small painting of the grim reaper
- A little purple hair bonnet
- My bath set and a sack of potatoes
- Frozen meat, a lot of it
- Catheter
- A leopard print pink bikini
- Special items from Victoria’s Secret
- Wig brush, in the trunk
In other ride-sharing news, the White House announced last week that Uber and Lyft will offer free rides to anyone traveling to and from COVID-19 vaccination sites across the U.S.