Resurfaced Video Shows South Korean Professor Testing Self-Driving Car in the 1990s
Decades before the recent tech interest.
Decades before the recent tech interest in autonomous vehicles, South Korean professor Han Min-hong nearly perfected his own self-driving car. Amazingly preceding the emerging multibillion-dollar industry, Han test-drove his invention across the country in a resurfaced video from the 1990s.
The video from 1995 shows the now-retired professor taking his autonomous vehicle for an impressive 186 mile trip from Seoul to the southern port of Busan. Simply sitting in the back seat to watch over his creation, the car effortlessly navigated the highway as Han oversaw operations that he ingeniously outfitted. Ultimately the promising project was scrapped as South Korea shifted towards developing heavy industries. But the 79-year-old professor notes that he is confident that the country could have dominated the now-budding industry.
Watch professor Han Min-hong’s resurfaced self-driving car testing above.
In case you missed it, Apple recently patented a Mac Pro “Cheese Grater” iPhone design.