Xbox Confirms Console Shortages in 2022
Explaining that chip shortages are largely to blame.

Xbox VP of gaming Phil Spencer has delivered some bad news for gaming fans. It seems that finding an Xbox console in 2022 will not be easier since the company is facing console shortages.
In a recent interview with The Wrap, Spencer explained that chip shortages are largely to blame for the constant Microsoft Xbox shortages. However, Spencer does allude that it is not entirely because of the “chip problem.” He shares, “When I think about, what does it mean to get the parts necessary to build a console today, and then get it to the markets where the demand is, there is multiple kinds of pinch points in that process. And I think regretfully it’s going to be with us for months and months, definitely through the end of this calendar year and into the next calendar year.”
Spencer reassures fans that Microsoft is looking into the issue extensively and is working hard to get the consoles out to meet demands. The next-gen consoles were first launched almost a year ago. Spencer’s comments only confirm that the issue is not going to be fixed anytime soon. With COVID-19 affecting the global chip shortage, it remained difficult for the company to meet consumer needs. This is currently the most recent update regarding Xbox consoles.
In other gaming news, Halo Infinite is becoming more accessible with updated features.