Study Reveals Most Expensive McDonald's Menu Items Across the World
Ranging between $9.17 to $27.19 USD.

In a recent study, Expensivity highlighted the most expensive McDonald’s meal in each country. While many have branded McDonald’s meals as an affordable fast-food alternative, there are still many menu items around the world that pack quite the price tag.
According to the study, the price consistency has differed across McDonald’s globally. Lebanon’s Big Mac is the priciest due to the major price inflation. However, Lebanon’s Grand Chicken Special, which costs $27.19 USD takes the cake as the most expensive McDonald’s item in the world. The item with the second heftiest price tag is France and Monaco’s Signature Charolais & Sauce Aux 2 Moutardes coming in at $14.38 USD. Israel’s Mega Tokyo burger, which is filled with fried mushrooms and Asian barbeque sauce, costs $13.48 USD. Rounding out the top 10 is Big Tasty Bacon from Luxembourg at $9.17 USD and Venezuela’s Doble McTocineta Cheddar at $10.00 USD. Other countries within the top ten are Switzerland & Liechtenstein, Norway, Netherlands, Germany and Denmark.
While some prices are more outrageous than others, the study shows that McDonald’s global reach is evidently quite extensive. For more information on the study check out the graphics on Expensivity.
In other McDonald’s news, the fast-food chain is testing Beyond Meat in seven locations across the U.S.